Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pasta Machine

Yesterday i bought a pasta machine from the Op Shop. It was not cheap going on op shop prices, but thats because it was brand new in the box. $10 is cheap for the entertainment it provided for the kids.

I did um and aaah over it a bit because it is one of those things that can sit in the kitchen and take up space,.. but i decided to give it a go, as i have always wanted to try making pasta.

Here is benny in his PJ's with his apron on with the Pasta machine.

and heres tom looking very proud of himself drying his pasta on the coffee machine!.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 2009

So much has been happening this month. We have been to the snow and had a great time. THe majority of our ski gear came from the op shop, along with fitting out the other two families that came along with us.

Tom and ben have been very busy making their own cardboard kitchen outside with utencils from the Op Shop... they love their kitchen.

Tom cooking

Tom in his op shop gear ready to head out for the afternoon with his dad
Me and Benny enjoying a very snowy day. Tom took this photos with his $5 camera from the Oppy.
So many more bargains have been got from the op shop, obviously im a bit behind to write every one. But yesterday we got a telescope, which the boys both love, and they use it in conjuntion with a globe of the world which was $1.50 and they look through the telecope and then find on the globe where they are looking.... Lovely to watch.