After spending a very lovely morning with my friend Jo, and talking about craft, thrifting, the usual, and about how everyone else seems to find the time, so why cant i? I have decided to take action.
I have put both the boys in the one room, which is working really well, which means that we have the study back, but more to the point, it means that i can have my sewing machine up on the table and permanently out..... of course i need to clean the room out and that will take a long time, but for me there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
bearing this all in mind, seeing as i didnt get a mothers day present, i took it upon myself to order some books from the book depository, in england. better and cheaper than amazon, and have ordered two books. One that Jo has called "bend the rules" and the other one called "Zakku" or something like that,whihc i had read about in another magazine. Cant wait for them to arrive, so at least i can read about doing something crafty. One step at a time.
Anyway at the op shop today i got two patterns... both for girls, but i have lots of girlfriends with baby girls, so it gives me an opportunity to fulfil my girly crafty ideas.

and then this wonderful single sheet, which i intend to make some jammie pants for both the boys... so soft but i really like the pattern.