Last weekend i went op shopping. Nothing unusual about that except that i went op shopping in Melbourne ... for one day...
Yes peoples, i drove to the airport at an ungodly hour, caught a plane, bus, train to meet up with 9 or so like minded people (well not like minded enough to fly from sydney!) to do a bit of op shop touring.
Beks won a ticket in an op shop tour and being unable to get there herself, and knowing what an op shopping addict i was, asked if i wanted the ticket. Of course i do. Doesnt matter that flying to melbourne totally wipes out any potential savings you make in an op shop..but thats not the point.
Any way i had a FANTASTIC day (exhausting yes, but great).
Our intrepid tour leader erica was wonderful. The op shops were wonderful, and no i didnt come back laden down with bags and bags,.. what i did get, amongst other things was these shoes. I LOVE THEM. Must remember to take my camera next time. took this when i got back.

Also Jo and Cathy, i did a reccie of the Op shops round my way, and although benny and i did them by public transport, which of course he thought was wonderful, we wont be doing it like that. Ill send you an email to let you know where we are going.
any one else. Wednesday starting at Hornsby we are going Op Shop Touring. I have warned my op shop that we are coming.!!!!