Monday, November 8, 2010

Preparing for Op Shopping en masse.

Before i start blabbling on, i just had to share this find. It was $1.50. I had no idea what is was, or where it was from, but it does have the name Vera, with a little lady bug in the corner. Actually, i didnt know it said Vera till i was checking out blogs and came across this blog . I felt a bit dizzy, actually finding out about something that i bought from an op shop, so easily, and i wasnt even looking.. Anyway, i love it. Thinking it might make its way onto a bag perhaps?? or a skirt???

Tomorrow, Cathy,Jo, and myself are going on our own Op Shop Tour. First stop Hornsby Salvos. Good op shopping, crap parking.

I was there last week and the shop was not yet opened because someone had emptied the contents of their garage at their front door. The whole lot went in their skip bins. When one young guy asked, if rather than them throwing away two snowboards, could he have them, and was willing to pay for them. Nope.

I was a bit shocked. Surely, rather than throw something away, which they have to pay for to be taken away, they would rather it be sold?????

Anyhow, next stop will be Asquith and two of the three oppies there, stop for a reviving cup of tea at the very child friendly cafe there, then finishing off with Berowra Lions Club. Will be a lovely day of chatting, shopping, and more shopping.

Had to put this pic in. No child dared sit in the pram. Too much op shopping action going on here to actually put a child in the pram.~

On the way back from Salvos, last week, we stopped at Donut King. Both boys watched the doughnut machine for 42 mins. 42 mins!!!! it made for a lovely little break for me.

Oh, and here is a lovely leather shoe i bought for the older boy. Contrary to how they look, they are unworn, and leather... love em. oh and they were $3! Love em even more.


  1. Ooh op shop treasures! And you made me want donuts now :D (p.s. this is sezworm from UTD) ;)

  2. Lovely to see you here Sez. I got all excited when someone i didnt know posted.! YAY
